3rd Moon Lunar Review

Goal Setting

Today I’m going to show you how I review and assess my goals at the end of each lunar month to see how I did and what progress was made. The end of each moon cycle starts with the Balsamic Moon which is the last crescent moon of each lunar cycle.

This is my journal spread for the 3rd Lunar cycle of the year. Watch my 3rd Moon Full Moon Check In to see what my intention was for this cycle and to see the feeling based intentions I wrote on each moon phase from the new moon to the full moon.

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I’m starting off with the feeling based intentions for the Disseminating Moon, which is also the Waning Moon. Remember Wax On is the first half of the cycle and Wane Off is the second half of each lunar cycle.

I write these feeling based intentions on each lunar phase either in the morning or in the evening by the light of the moon.

On the final Crescent Moon of the lunar cycle I do a Lunar Review of the entire month tracking my journey back to the new moon. First I think about what worked, what didn’t, and what I can improve. Then I reflect on the biggest wins of the lunar month.

To finish my Moon Review, I’m writing out a letter to the month that just passed:

Dear March,

Thank you for this beautiful month of birthdays, a few warm days at the end, and family.


Jenny P.

Now that we have completed this journaling prompt we can go ahead and bring our Moon Review Practice to a close.

Subscribe so you don’t miss the April Plan With Me and my 4th Moon Lunar Goal Setting Video. To see how I make sure I’m on track with my goals for each Lunar Month check out the first part of this post, the Full Moon Check In.

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