March BUJO Plan With Me – Lunar & Spiritual Journaling


This month I was inspired by the Oscar Wilde quote, “A Dreamer is one who can only find her way by moonlight.” I think it fits really well with my “lunar life” and all of my evening appointments. I don’t know what it is about my schedule, but it seems like I’m just working away the day like a busy bee and then at night I come to life. Does anyone else feel like that?

I’m starting off with the sun and the moon flipped in the sky. I realized that most of my appointments are in the evening and only a few other appointments during the day, so I wanted to keep the bulk of this monthly spread lunar and in the night sky.

Next I fill in each of the lunar phases, its been really awesome that this year so far the lunar months pretty much line right up with the calendar months, its made journaling so much easier for me. And its also made me feel like my soulful lunar self is in alignment with my work life.

Next I’m adding grass on the “day” side to visually break up the week. Also on the day side I’m adding in my weekly coffee chats and a few birthdays this month. The constellations on the lunar side are for each Sunday to mark my Improvisation Class. And on Wednesday evenings I have Yoga & Ayurveda Class which is marked by this little downward dog yoga pose symbol.

And on the 20th, there is no yoga class which is why I drew in a meditating figure. And on the 21st I have some leaves sprouting up for Spring. On the next page I have my Spring Goals, Action Plan, and Trackers.

The next page is my Letters to the Universe. I use this section as a place to say thank you for the things that have come into my life, show gratitude for the good and bad, or use it as a place to vent or write out my emotions if anxiety has gripped me, which is what happened last month. I had a bit of a melt down and used this section as if I was writing a letter to a friend telling them about what happened and how I wanted it to change.

I’m leaving the next page blank for now because I will be coming back to it with a special Journal With Me video to go along with my 52 Journaling Prompts to Connect Deeper To Your Spirituality. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss that video.

On the opposite page I’m setting up my hopes and goals for the 3rd lunar cycle. This is the page that I use to work out my mantras for the lunar month. The theme for this cycle is “tend to your soul.” I have a section for the challenges I’ll face, my goals, how I’m going to do it and down at the bottom, my little plant tracker. I fill in a leaf each day that I say my mantras, which is usually in the morning with my coffee.

I was also inspired this month by a beautiful pin that I have seen on pinterest for years. Its a fortune teller cootie catcher from elementary school. Comment down below if you remember those little guys! I use to tell my friends fortunes this way all the time when I was little. This layout is also a bit like a bullet journal dutch door. Follow me on Pinterest for journaling inspo.

inspo for my March BUJO Plan With Me – Lunar & Spiritual Journaling

On the inside of the fortune teller I’m putting a feeling based intention journaling prompt that I’ll be filling out on the morning of each moon phase. If you want to see how I use this spread check out my 3rd Moon Lunar Goal Setting Video.

I’m using the constellations this month as dividers between each section for the moon phases. On the outside of this fortune teller dutch door are the dates of each moon phase and a corresponding element that I drew in with a silver sharpie. I’ve also combined this spread with my Mid Moon Check In and my 3rd Lunar Review that I fill out at the end of each moon cycle.

The very last page of my monthly BUJO set up is the Unravel Your Month from Susannah Conway. Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to dive a little deeper into how I use the Unravel Your Month.

And now that I’ve completed this month’s set up, I can go ahead and bring this March Plan With Me Lunar & Spiritual Journaling practice to a close.

If you’d like to see what I use for my daily planner check out my Dragontree Rituals for Living Dreambook & Planner.

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