1st Balsamic Moon End of the Month Goals Review

Goal Setting

What progress did you make on your goals this month? I’m pretty surprised with the progress that I made. I was super ambitious with 8 intentions…. and I think I ended up with a 85% ish success rate this month! Read on to see what I accomplished and what I let fall away that I realized just wasn’t important to me anymore.

Today it’s time for my Balsamic Moon End of the Month Goals Review. I really enjoyed creating this Bullet Journal Moon Wheel Calendar featured in my spreads. If you want to see how I set these goals click here. So grab a cup of tea and your favorite pen, and let’s review our monthly goals together!

I like to set goals via the moon and use the eight moon phases to check in with my goals to track my progress. This helps me see if I need to add anything or take away anything to help me achieve the goal that I’ve set at the beginning of the lunar month at the new moon.

this month’s theme is:

plant the seeds of your intentions

The theme this month is plant the seeds of your intentions. The first moon of the year is the perfect time to set new intentions, goals, and resolutions. Now is the time to dream big and begin planting the seeds that will start your journey to your end goal! I have talked a lot about the power of starting and why you should start here on Owls&Indigo. See my best advice for starting below:

My mantra for this month is:

“I’ve set these goals to hone my craft and skillset to be loving and kind to myself and others in moments of imperfection and mistakes. I am loyal to my intentions.”

I feel like this mantra is working really well for me this month. I am really proud of myself for getting ahead in accomplishing some of the action steps that are supporting my 8 goals for this month. I am seriously surprised that I have made it this far with the overabundance of goals and intentions that i set for myself this month. I was very ambitious and it seems like that ambition and drive is working out well for me this month. I am truly grateful for that. See the other mantras that I made this month here!

By the end of the month I realized that it was super important to focus on “be loving and kind to myself and others in moments of imperfection and mistakes.” I failed a little bit on that one… but that is always a work in progress in the human existence. I think when I failed was being overwhelmed immensely and getting sick twice right there at the end of the lunar month. Any patience I had, just left me. This is something that I really need to work on.

✩☽✦ Balsamic Moon Monthly Goals Review ✦☾✩

There’s always things that we can improve on whether we’re actually on top of our goals and have gotten everything done. There’s definitely little things along the way that we could have done better. To see what my goals are for this lunar month check out my article here.  On the Balsamic Moon, I always ask myself the same questions: What worked? What didn’t? What can I improve?

what worked this lunar month?

What worked for me this lunar month was reading samples of my books on kindle before I bought them. I really enjoyed doing this because it gave me a chance to test out the book to see if it was the right one for me before I made the full commitment. The samples that I got were really long too! I think one of the samples was 100 ish pages.

what didn’t?

What didn’t work for me this lunar month was making time for new recipes. I was traveling for a family wedding on Lupercalia and ended up getting food poisoning after returning home from late night pizza…. Days later and I still don’t feel quite right. So I decided to let this one go… in the end, trying new recipes just wasn’t important to me as the month went on.

what can I improve?

I will improve by taking on less and resting more this next moon.

my lunar leftovers:

Lunar leftovers are the things that I didn’t get to that I want to carry over to the next month or things that I still want to work on even if I accomplished the goal that I set for them at the beginning of the new moon. I signify this lunar leftover with an arrow or greater than carrot symbol on the edge of my page. Sometimes, I level this up with a highlighter or stamp markers so I don’t miss it for my next goal setting session.

This month I have one lunar left over. I didn’t end up getting to all of the books that I wanted to read, so I will be carrying over the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I am still reading Hatha Yoga Pradipika, this version has explanations of the verses with it written for the modern reader…. which I am super thankful for, because I would have had no idea what the essence of the sanskrit was getting at.

you can find it here…

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My feeling based intention for this balsamic moon is: “I give thanks for this lunar cycle and my new habits. I rest. I restore.” Then I finish off my balsamic moon goal setting review by drawing in a little symbol on my little tracker.

“I give thanks for this lunar cycle and my new habits. I rest. I restore.”

Jenny Proczko, Balsamic Moon End of Month Goal Setting Review Mantra & Intention

I want to make sure that I’m being real with you and showing that no one’s perfect. Like me… Sometimes I don’t review this goal setting spread for weeks. But I don’t allow myself to use that absence as an excuse to fall off the bandwagon. My goals, intentions and spiritual practices are important to me, important enough to not give up on.

How about you? Were you able to accomplish your goals this month? Let me know in the comments down below if you are having a hard time accomplishing your goals right now too.


What progress have you made on your goals this month?

Did you have to retool your goals and intentions for the month?


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