Weekly Spirituality Tip: Boost Your Happiness On A Regular Basis


This week I want you to focus on boosting your happiness on a regular basis.

Benefits of boosting your happiness:

  1. You’re actively changing your perception of the situation at hand.
  2. Your endorphin’s go up giving you a boost of energy.
  3. You get a much needed dopamine hit.

Lets face it, in this modern world full of technology and stress (good and bad), we need to boost our happiness on a regular basis. Mental Health in the modern world, especially North America, is on the decline and many of us are suffering from lack of connection and lack of happiness. We deserve a much needed natural dopamine hit. And the best way to do that is to boost our happiness in a safe and beneficial way. 

This is not a free pass for a shopping spree. That dopamine hit is only going to last as long as the hunt and then you’re left with a bunch of items that you don’t need, want, and are going to end up hurting the earth in the long run by ending up in a landfill.

Boost your happiness is safe and beneficial ways by heading out into nature for some much needed forest bathing, tend to your plants, shop your closet and your existing makeup stash to give yourself a makeover! Learn a new hair braid, pet some animals, and make some tea

Do the little things that make you happy. 

This practice doesn’t have to be an all day thing. Just take five minutes to brew your favorite tea and soak in the experience. 

Take 10 minutes to journal about what makes you happy.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Just take a few moments each day this week to boost your happiness in a way that doesn’t hurt you, your wallet, or the earth. Trust me, your happiness is going to be sustained for a much longer amount of time that can carry you through your week, and even your month. And remember to find joy in the seemingly mundane moments of everyday life.

My Personal Experience:

I have noticed that when I actively make AND take the time to boost my happiness in little ways, that the happiness that I give myself… hangs around a bit longer. The dopamine and endorphin’s last through my day. As a person that struggles with mental health, this is something that I need on a daily basis to keep myself from spiraling into a dark hole of depression and anxiety

Even the smallest moments help me. These are the moments where I catch a glance of my cats sunbathing, take the time to inspect my plants instead of just letting them blend into the background. If I can make AND take the time to refocus my attention and perspective on the little things that make me happy and let the rest of the world fall away in those brief moments, I am a happier and calmer person. It’s in those moments of mindfulness that I am my best self and my truest self. 

things to remember…

  1. Shift your perspective, and a whole other world of happiness will open up.
  2. Find joy in the seemingly mundane moments of everyday life.
  3. Find ways to boost your happiness that don’t hurt you, your wallet, or the earth. 

Instilling the practice boosting your happiness, can be difficult, but you have a choice and have taken the first step by clicking on this Weekly Spirituality Tip.

By boosting my happiness in ways that don’t hurt my wallet or the earth, I have found that I am more proud of myself and my choices. It’s hard for me to take pride in what I do because of negative self talk. BUT I have found that if I boost my happiness in little ways that I am automatically proud of myself because I am in a good mood and I’m taking care of myself and the world. Stop stumbling through your days without an ounce of happiness, don’t wait for someone or something to make you happy. Make yourself happy by making AND taking the time to boost your happiness. Be the master of your own happiness and the master of your emotions. 

Go get that much needed dopamine hit in the most natural and sustainable way possible. Go make yourself some tea and soak up the experience

Have you tried boosting your happiness on a regular basis?

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