May BUJO Plan With Me – Lunar & Spiritual Journaling


I used to create the space for journaling, and recently I have felt like I haven’t been sitting down and making the time to make journaling a special event. So today I just wanted to grab some tea, light a candle, and sit down to plan out May with you.

I’ve decided to move my daily planner into my spiritual and lunar bullet journal. I’m super pumped to show you a way to meld your spiritual journaling practice, your everyday tasks and to-do-lists, and your daily planner all into one place. I’m really excited to see if doing this makes everything feel a little more cohesive, and if it helps my mental state. Hopefully I’ll be feeling a little calmer and a little less crazy when I’m trying to figure out what needs to be done in the three pillars of my life. It’s sometimes overwhelming to keep on top of absolutely everything that I’m a part of.

This month I wanted to keep it really simple and really easy for my monthly overview. I have a small month calendar with the moon phases in place of some of the dates. At first I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do for this month and then I stumbled across baby’s breath and I realize how simple it is to doodle. For the baby’s breath I’m using a thin 005 pen, a green super tips marker, and the white and I’m using his actually white out.

This is where I share my letters to the universe, a place where I write out my thoughts, my frustrations and my gratitude. I also like to use this page as just a place to say thank you.

This new moon, I wanted to try something a little different. My prompts this month for my 5th Moon Lunar Goals Setting are:

to have
to do
to be

I’ve been doing doodles from the petite planner and when I was working on the rose for the doodles around the new moon, I was definitely thinking of her. Here is a link to some of the doodles I’ve done on my personal instagram.

The theme for the 5th Moon is: reorient & renew.

This is a page where I will be working on my challenges, goals, and how I’m going to accomplish these things, which I figure out during my 5th Moon Lunar Goal Setting session, which is coming up next to make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it.

This turned out to be my absolute favorite spread of this entire month. I really think that the baby’s breath turned out awesome from this spread. This is also where I have my circular lunar calendar, that you’ve seen before in all of my lunar plan with me’s. I’ve really been liking the dutch doors these past couple of months. Two months ago for the 3rd Moon, I did a really fun dutch door that was based on a fortune-teller. Remember those little paper fortune tellers that we all used to have in grade school?

This month I moved my little tracker back to this spread so I’ll be able to see it at each moon phase. The inside of the dutch doors on each of the moon phases is where there will be a different billing based intention prompt. I do little mini videos over on Instagram of me journaling on each of those moon phases. Follow me on instagram so you don’t miss these moon phase minis and so you can see how I actually fill out each feeling based intention prompt on the morning of each moon phase.

At the beginning of this section my intention for the entire lunar cycle which I will determine through the 5th new moon lunar goal setting session. And a mid-month full moon check in where I reflect on

what I’ve succeeded in
what I can do to improve

Which carries me through the rest of the lunar month to the last crescent moon. On the last phase of the lunar month, the crescent moon or the balsamic moon, I do a 5th Moon Lunar Review where I reflect on

what worked
what didn’t
what to improve

For the rest of the last crescent moon phase, I just rest and reflect on what happened during the month.

For this spread I’ve got my ideal month, week, and day. On the opposite page is my focus for the month.

This is my master to do list for the whole month for each of the three pillars of my life. I have one for Owls&Indigo, my marketing business and one for personal tasks.

And now, finally, I’m going to be merging my daily planner with my lunar and spiritual bullet Journal with weekly dutch door spreads. On the right side is a section for my goals, focus, and upcoming. On the left I’ve got a little section for my daily tasks that I’m doing every single day that are repetitive and that I do no matter what. I just need to check them off, I don’t really need to add them to my to do list, I just need to make sure that I am tracking that they got done.

For the last BUJO spread of May, I have my “unravel your month.” This year my words are flux & flow, if you’d like to know why I chose those words for the year, or how I came up with them let me know in the comments down below.

The journal prompts I want to make sure that I reflect on at the end of the month are:

what I learned
how I challenged myself
what I’m most grateful for

And the last and most important journaling prompt is:

What does spirituality mean to you?

Let me know in the comments down below what spirituality means to you or email me! For me spirituality is all about connection; to the inside and also connection to the outside. How am I connecting to my true self, my inner child, my soul, and my spirit? How do I connect that core inner self back out? If you’d like me to talk further about how this makes me feel connected to the world, to myself, to others, let me know in the comments down below.

Is your answer similar to mine? Is it totally different?

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