Secrecy & Self Interest | Journal Prompts for Deeper Connections


Secrecy and Self Interest never helped anyone. Are you unknowingly hiding something from yourself? Or are you hiding it on purpose? By reflecting on these concepts we can better understand the inner workings of our minds and delve into Shadow Work Writing Prompts where we can finally confront our Shadow Selves and get to the bottom of what we’re hiding.

These reflecting prompts also help my mental health. You can find all of my journal and writing prompts right here!

This journaling practice definitely gives me pause for reflection, which I feel like I don’t have enough time for in my life. Taking pause is something that I have a hard time making and taking the time for. But with this practice its built into my routine at the beginning and end of the month with my journal and into my mornings as a part of my journaling morning routine.

This month comes with two additional resources that will help you dive deeper and support your journaling practice this October: a unique mantra affirmation that I talk about in the video on how I learn to accept my body and love it as it is. (We’ll get into that in a second)

The link below contains a collection of 51 of the best mantras and daily positive affirmations that you can start using today to improve your mental health in beautiful typography ready for you to use immediately.

Cut out and post these little reminders all over your home, mirrors, car, work station, desk, coffee bar, refrigerator and by your door.

Here is the one thing that dissolved the embarrassment I carried for my body: My Daily Practice in Learn To Love Your Body Mantra & Affirmation.

If you’re struggling with body issues too make sure you check out my love your body mantra article. It has a mantra that really helped me accept my body image and the weight I’m carrying. This practice has helped me learn to love myself and love my body as it is today instead of wishing for it to be something different or something that it was in the past. There are also actionable steps that help support the mantra in the article too!

We all have flaws that we wish would go away and parts of our body that we don’t want anyone to see let alone touch. It’s not good for our health or spirituality to hate our bodies. The body must be a temple and we must do everything we can to care for it, and keep it healthy and happy.

Negative thoughts surrounding our body can keep it from its truest potential and keep it from serving us as best it can. You can change your thoughts surrounding your body and learn to love it just the way it is.

Journal Prompt:

As the seasons turn, avoidance lingers in the air. It’s time to face your demons, dark side, and shadow self that you normally keep hidden from yourself. 

What are you choosing to look away from?

What are you hiding from yourself?

Why are you hiding it?

What actionable steps can you take today to face your secrets and grow?

My Answer to This Spirituality Journaling Prompt…

What are you choosing to look away from? What are you hiding from yourself? Why are you hiding it? What actionable steps can you take today to face your secrets and grow?

“I have been choosing to look away from my fear and panic around the state of the world, in this pandemic. I’m hiding it from myself because I don’t want to allow my mental health and stability to fail. The actionable steps I can take to face my fear and panic of losing my resolve is to talk openly to someone I trust about these fears and talk to my therapist.

I have also been choosing to ignore my body weight. I’m hiding my shame from myself because it makes me feel terrible about myself when I face it. The actionable steps I’m currently taking are eating vegetarian and drinking 64 oz of water a day, and accepting & loving my body as it is today.”

Watch my video below to see how I’m facing my demons.

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