7 Late Summer Self Care Tips

Personal Notes

Today I wanted to share with you my current top 7 Late Summer Self Care Tips that make sure to care for your mind, body, soul, and foster your spirituality. 

August and September are Exciting months when the summer heat has finally broken and the cooler winds of early fall begin to blow and tousle our hair. With all of the anxiety of Summer coming to an end we can sometimes forget a bout caring for ourselves as we turn to focus on getting back into the daily grind and back into school. And as we descend into the early days of Fall, we’re given a chance not only to give thanks for others, but to practice gratitude for ourselves. This calls for the last burst of Summer energy to set a formation of habits and caring experiences that are going to come back to us ten million fold. If we instill these self care habits now, while on the cusp of the busy holiday season, we will find ourselves in much better shape as the winds of Fall and Winter greet us at the open door of the coziest time of the year.

This is our chance to start again.


1. Observe, Celebrate, & Refine Your End Goal.

After the Summer has begun to wind down and the last of the hottest days are behind us, we need to make sure to care for our minds by taking the time to focus on ourselves and our own goals that we watched flourish in the heat of the summer that we set at Spring and the beginning of the year. This can be as simple as This can be as simple as reflecting on the progress of your goals over a cup of coffee or tea.

You can also journal your observations of your goals since setting them, watching them grow and refining them, and then reap the benefits of what you have sewn by celebrating the new habits you have created and goals that you have already accomplished this year. But remember, celebrating is not just for the big accomplishments. Make sure to celebrate the progress and the journey of this year. Now is the time for reflection. Where were you? How far have you come? How far have you yet to go? Reflect on your journey and refine the remaining steps of your goal that will get you to the finish line.


2. Nourish your body with local raw foods.

Farmers markets are sharing the bounty of the first harvest from the beginning of August and will continue harvesting into November. We all know that raw, unprocessed vegetables have higher nutritional value than cooked, honey is no different. Local honey is a really good example of nourishing your body with local foods. Consuming raw local honey helps your body strengthen its immune system, and reduce pollen allergy symptoms. But how you may wonder? The Bees are making honey with local pollen, so their honey is almost like a flu shot made specifically for your region. With the cold and flu season upon us it important to take care of our bodies. Raw local honey that hasn’t been heated or pasteurize contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants, and more important nutrients.

By supporting local honey producers, you can verify that the honey you’re purchasing is truly raw and has the beneficial properties that humans have used for centuries to treat many ailments.

3. Take your exercise practice outside.

Take your exercise practice outside in the late summer sun. I absolutely love taking my yoga practice outside onto our deck. If I have more time, I love to take a short hike to a near by arboretum and practice yoga in a clearing while soaking up all of that warm sunshine of the final days of summer I also like to listen to podcasts or music when I’m doing something practical like gardening.

4. Plan a seasonally appropriate body care routine.

I’ve noticed that at the end of summer my skin tends to get oily as the seasons begin to change. For me this means that I introduce a smidgin’ of Witch Hazel as a toner into my routine. This is also a really good time of year to start infusing the body oils of winter so they have time to blend together. These oils make really great gifts for yourself and for others. You could also take the time to make your own body scrub to sluff away the last remnants of dead parched summer skin cells. I have a few favorite go to recipes for salt and sugar scrubs that I have been using for years that I’ll be sharing soon, subscribe so you don’t miss it. I’ve also recently tried an exfoliating brush that is working surprisingly well.


5. Pick up a new book that relates to one of your goals.

Weather you buy, borrow, or listen to a book, just be sure to immerse yourself within its pages. And remember you don’t always have to buy a book. I am borrowing my book list from the library this year through the app Libby. I like to listen to my books while I’m on a walk, and it ended up taking me six day’s to finish my first book of the year. So I highly recommend utilizing audio books on any platform.

6. Find ways to give back by donating your unwanted items to charity.

Late Summer cleaning your home, closets, garage, car, not only revitalizes your space, its also a cost-free way to give back. Donate seasonal clothing items and blankets you don’t use anymore to shelters. If you’re not sure where to find your local shelters, you can always donate these items to a church or food pantry. There you can be sure that your items will make it to those in need. Still not sure? You can always call your local police station on their non emergency line and ask them for shelter locations to donate to.


7. Connect with nature by taking a mindful walk.

In a previous article, 6 Mid Winter Self Care Tips, I mention that you need to find ways to connect with nature even though its cold outside. Luckily with Late Summer, we don’t have that problem at all! So at this time of year, its not about figuring out how to get outside, its about tapping into the moment whenever we are outside. Instead of getting into the zone of “doing mode,” consciously stop and smell the roses! Some leaves turn early and give us glimpses into the beautiful burst of Fall colors that are right around the corner. Stop and look at them, feel the wind as the whips through the tall grass and trees and appreciate the vibrancy of the last days of summer.

If you are still having trouble remembering to be mindful on this nature walk, go out with the intention of taking pictures of the shifting nature all around you. With the intention of taking photos, mindfulness is built in because you have to stop, look, and appreciate. With this tactic, you might even stop and smell a few flowers. 

I hope that these 7 Late Summer Self Care Tips help you feel rooted and connected with your mind, body, soul, and foster your spirituality. Be sure to take care of yourself in whatever way works for you during the last days of summer. I’d love to hear in the comments below what you do to practice self care during the seasons.

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