11th Balsamic Crescent Moon Monthly Goals Review Plan With Me | Lunar Goal Setting Journal With Me

Goal Setting

Today it’s time for the Balsamic Moon Review. We’ve reached the end of another lunar month and it’s now time to check in on our goals that we set back at the New Moon at the beginning of this lunar month and see how we did. It’s also time to see what worked, what didn’t, and what we can improve next month. We’re also looking to see if we fell behind or if there are any moments that we get to celebrate!

Honestly when I sat down to do this review, I was kind of dreading it because I felt like I didn’t accomplish anything, due to an incredibly hard month for my mental health. Which I’m sure you can guess, made it really hard to just get through the days and things that came up, that would have otherwise been normal. This was all because I’m changing my antidepressant medication with doctor supervision. I’ll be sharing my story soon about the side effects I experienced when I changed antidepressants. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it. That way you’ll be in the know and will have some insight into what someone you know might be facing. 

Since I was feeling kind of down about my progress this month, I decided to take a look back at the mantras that I made for myself at the New Moon. I also took a look at the tarot cards that I pulled to see how they applied to my life this month. Did I carry any of their lessons with me throughout the month? Or did they just not apply to my life this month.

I definitely made progress on all of my mantras this month. Head over here to see what my mantras were for the month. I totally delivered on all of those mantras for myself. I definitely feel like I was able to do all of those things. So that was really awesome when I checked in and saw that I actually had accomplished my goals. I felt a lot better and actually picked up this review to put me in a much happier place.

My mantra for this month was, “I’ve set these goals to feed my soul and my intentions, I will fill my cup first because I know from the past it works, I am turning inward and will remain open for others when I am needed.”

I definitely did all of this. It was hard at times. I stumbled at times. But I was intentionally making sure that I was keeping myself open for others and still approachable; even though I was doing a lot of internal work, shadow work, and working really hard on myself. If you’re curious about what shadow work I was doing check out my video and my article here.

At the beginning of every New Moon, I pull tarot cards to jog my brain, give me some ideas, and inspiration on the type of things that I want to work on that tie back to my yearly goals. You can see my full moon practice here. This helps me set goals for a month time span.

For this monthly review I wanted to see if these tarot cards that I pulled at the New Moon actually influenced my month at all, helped me with my goals, or just weren’t relevant to my life this month. Check out the classic description of the Rider Waite Tarot Deck Here, my interpretation of the cards meanings, and my own design of the cards here.

Looking back I feel like these cards are actually representative of the month I had, which is really interesting.

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✩☽✦ Balsamic Crescent Moon Review ✦☾✩

During my Balsamic Crescent Moon Review, I ask myself three questions: what worked? what didn’t? and what to improve?

what worked?

what didn’t?

what can I improve?

Normally on a End of the Month Review like this I check off any of the things that I’ve accomplished. Then I make little notes of the things that I want to migrate over to the next month. I also take this time to celebrate my accomplishments and milestones that occurred this month. 

Here is where I failed…

I am not perfect. Unfortunately, I just did not check in with this goal setting bullet journal spread. I was looking at it constantly, but I didn’t actually write down the intentions that I normally do every month. See what intention I write for each moon phase here and how they relate back to my goals for the month and the year.

This lunar month, I only checked in with my bullet journal on the New Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon, and today on the Crescent Moon. BUT, that’s okay, Things ebb and flow in life. That is actually the theme for this month, “seek comfort in your ebb.”

“seek comfort in your ebb.”

I definitely had an up-and-down, back-and-forth month. There was a lot of good. There was a lot of bad. There was a lot of meh. AND there was a lot of just plain ol’ normalcy.


I’m pretty happy with the way that this month went for my spiritual goals and my monthly goal-setting practice. It was really interesting that I was dreading doing this end of the month review. It started off in such a negative place for me because I felt like I just didn’t get anything done and that I completely failed. I felt guilty, but I’m human. We’re all human and have lives that can get crazy. Sometimes we’re able to check in with our goals and sometimes we’re not, and that is okay. 

I am very happy that it turns out subconsciously, I was actually working on all these things the entire month even though I had really bad mental health days and a depression relapse. Through all of that, I was still taking steps and making decision to accomplish my goals. When I looked back and reviewed this month I discovered just how much I was actually doing, even though I didn’t realize it.

That makes me incredibly proud of myself and grateful for the progress that I’ve been able to make on my mental health and make on my goals.

I would love to hear how your month went over on instagram. Email and @owlsandindigo on instagram is the fastest was to get a hold of me.

I’m so grateful that I actually was able to achieve some of my goals this month, even though I thought that I didn’t. I thought that I failed but realized in the end that I hadn’t. So don’t be so hard on yourself before you reflect on the past. This was such an amazing gift to give myself, unexpectedly, which is awesome.

Today’s feeling based intention for the Balsamic Crescent Moon is, “I reflect with thanks. I rest. I restore.”

Were you able to finish your goals for this lunar month? Did you do a little better than me? I can’t wait to see your answers in the comments down below.

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