11th Full Moon Goal Setting Check In | Lunar Goal Setting Journal With Me

Goal Setting

Today it’s time for my 11th Full Moon Lunar Goal-Setting Check-In. I really enjoyed creating the my November Plan With Me featured in my spreads. If you want to see how I set these goals click here. So grab a cup of tea and your favorite pen, and lets check in on our monthly goals together!

I like to set goals via the moon and use the eight moon phases to check in with my goals to track my progress. This helps me see if I need to add anything or take away anything to help me achieve the goal that I’ve set at the beginning of the lunar month at the new moon.

So… I got to be honest with you… I totally have not checked in with this spread daily like I was supposed to. I haven’t looked at my goals since the new moon. So I had no idea where I was on my goals, and even forgot what my specific goal was for the month. But I tie these monthly goals back to my yearly goals, so I had a sense of what I wanted to accomplish this entire year. Let’s just go ahead and get into my journal, and see where I’m at on my goal setting.

My mantra for this month is:

I’ve set these goals to feed my soul and my intentions. I will fill my cup first because I know from the past it works. I am turning inward and I will remain open for others when I am needed.

I definitely feel like I have stayed in touch with my mantra for this month, even though I haven’t looked at it since the new moon. I remained open even though I’ve been doing some more internal working, more introspection, and a lot of thinking and pondering. I’ve been trying to problem solve some of the goals and issues that have come up in my life. Not bad problems, just the things that come up in a normal life. And luckily I haven’t been doing it alone, so that has been most helpful to have a friend on this journey.

As for filling my cup first because I know it works… I have kind of been doing this. I’ve definitely been hitting the ground running when it comes to work and meetings, you know… work life. I’ve definitely been hustling, but I do feel like I’ve balance it enough with me time.

I’ve had to wedge and carve out me time here and there. It hasn’t been very much lately, but I feel like it has been a sufficient amount. I haven’t felt stressed to the point where I felt like I haven’t been able to do what I wanted to do. I’ve definitely been filling my cup up before it’s completely bone dry and not letting myself get stressed out to the max. I’m very proud of myself for doing that, because it has been really really hard for me to do so in the past.

The theme this month is seek comfort in your ebb. On every full moon check in, I always ask myself two things: what have I succeeded in this lunar month? And what can I improve? 

seek comfort in your ebb

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we have had our first snow that has stuck and its everywhere. Lots and lots of snow. I am not about to go outside on the deck every morning to drink my coffee in the snow. So I unfortunately had to nix this goal for the month, but I am still reading.

I also wanted to foster my spiritual yoga practice by meditating in bed when I wake up and get a couple of books and follow a particular channel online. I haven’t gotten the books yet. There have been a lot of shifts in my life since the new moon. Over the past couple of weeks I just haven’t really had time to focus on yoga. BUT it’s been on my mind.

✩☽✦ Full Moon Check In ✦☾✩

There’s always things that we can improve on whether we’re actually on top of our goals and have gotten everything done. There’s definitely little things along the way that we could have done better.  I always ask myself the same questions: What did I succeed in? What can I improve?

what have I succeeded in this lunar month?

what can I improve?

I’ve been unplugging more and fostering my spiritual practices with writing. The interesting thing about writing is that this wasn’t actually a monthly goal, but it does tie back to my larger yearly goal. So I’m super happy with that and really grateful that I’ve had the time to write again. All of October I was only creating videos and I didn’t have the time to write. And honestly it felt like my soul was aching a little bit to get those thoughts out of my head and to reconnect with you.

I have a couple of things I’m going to be improving on… Like I said, I have not checked in with my goals this month since the new moon. So I am going to be improving by having my journal open to this goal setting spread at the end of the day, ready for me to see first thing the next morning. This will help me keep my goals and intentions in my brain, top of mind and also in my subconscious as I go about my day.

Next, I am going to leave out my yoga mat. If you saw my most recent Weekly Spirituality Tip then you know that I’m going to be changing up some habits. Check out what I’m going to change and how it relates back to my monthly goals and full moon check in here.

I think this is going to be a really easy shift for me to actually start getting my butt to the yoga mat. Obviously isn’t the spiritual side of yoga. I am actually using this as part of a mini habit to get me used to getting back to the mat again single day. I think it’s really going to work for me, I do really good with habit stacking and mini habits that are built into my existing routines.

I want to make sure that I’m being real with you and showing that no one’s perfect. Like me… I haven’t touched my goal setting spread for weeks. But I didn’t allow myself to use that absence as an excuse to fall off the bandwagon. My goals, intentions and spiritual practices are important to me, important enough to not give up on.

How about you? Were you able to accomplish your goals so far this month, or did you fall short like I did? But I know I can’t be alone in that. Let me know in the comments down below if you are having a hard time accomplishing your goals right now too.

ALSO!!!! What progress have you made on your goals this month? Are you on track for the Balsamic moon or did you have to retool your goals and intentions for the month?


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