Weekly Spirituality Tip: Turn off that overly CRITICAL VOICE in your head through meditation.


This week I want you to focus on turning off that overly critical voice in your head through meditation.

Meditation is hard if its not something you practice daily, it’s a muscle that needs to be flexed and cultivated on a regular basis. One of the many benefits of developing a daily meditation practice is that it will give you a safe space away from the overly critical world. It creates a space where you can sit with yourself and tune out the rest of the world. This is really beneficial, but also hard to do if that overly critical voice is coming from within you. Learning to let those negative thoughts float by is something that will strengthen your self confidence and sense of self worth.

I had to teach myself to believe that those overly critical voices were not my own, that they didn’t represent who I was and my morals. I let the voices pass, let them fade into quietness.

Jenny proczko

I have found that I am the overly critical voice in my life, and that everyone else around me is supportive and loving. When I am going through a rough patch that inner critical voice gets louder and meaner as it berates me until I am left feeling alone, depressed and worthless.

Trying to develop a positive inner voice did not help me. In those times of despair, I wasn’t able to silence the critical voice with the positive, loving and supportive one that I was trying to give myself. The only thing that helped me was meditation. Instead of trying to drown out that overly critical voice, I learned to sit with those feelings and thoughts, and let them pass. I would imagine myself sitting calmly, eyes closed, cross legged in my mind as the overly critical voices screamed at me. I let those voices throw their temper tantrum as I sat there, quiet, waiting.

I have found that I am the overly critical voice in my life, and that everyone else around me is supportive and loving. When I am going through a rough patch that inner critical voice gets louder and meaner as it berates me until I am left feeling alone, depressed and worthless.

jenny proczko

I had to teach myself to believe that those overly critical voices were not my own, that they didn’t represent who I was and my morals. I let the voices pass, let them fade into quietness. It was as if I was ignoring them on the outside so they got bored and went away. I imagined that on the inside of my mind, I was acknowledging the overly critical voices, and letting them get their frustrations out, while I sat solid in the belief that those thoughts were not my own. I simply let the voices and thoughts pass while I sat quiet in meditation.

The overly critical voices in the world and in your head are not you. They do not define you, your thoughts, or morals. You are a beautiful human being worthy of love and acceptance.

jenny proczko

Things to Remember:

The overly critical voices in the world and in your head are not you. They do not define you, your thoughts, or morals. You are a beautiful human being worthy of love and acceptance. You should also remember that meditation is hard at first and that being able to let these thoughts pass is a difficult ability to master. But you can do it. I know you can.

Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss my tip for next week: turning off the overly LOGICAL VOICE in your head.

What do you do to turn off that overly critical voice in your head? Have you tried meditation?

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