Weekly Spirituality Tip: Journal First Thing In The Morning For 5 Minutes


This week I want you to focus on journaling first thing in the morning for 5 minutes.

Journaling can help you in many ways. It can clarify your thoughts and feels, reduce stress, and most importantly give you the power to get to know yourself better.

Jot down your dreams, thoughts, hopes for the day, and keep writing the three things you are grateful for from last week.

Things to Remember:

  1. There is no right or wrong way to journal.
  2. Just start.
  3. Write to yourself and for yourself.

The best thing I have found about journaling, is that it helps me not feel alone or lost when I am in a bad spot mentally. My journal lets me look back onto the times that weren’t so bright, and give perspective on my current situation. Sometimes my journal even gives me solutions to my problems by being able to look back and see how I dealt with a problem in the past.

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