Weekly Spirituality Tip: Find Daily Guidance From Someone You Admire


This week I want you to seek out daily guidance from someone you admire.

By developing the practice of looking to someone you admire daily, you are giving yourself the chance to emulate the person and their ideas at the beginning of the day, which will help set the tone for the rest for your day. In today’s digital world this can be done by following someone on social media, reading a passage from a book they have written or their autobiography every morning, or join their newsletter. You can even seek out imagery by the person you choose on social media or simply do in image search of their artwork. Because of technology, this is an easy habit to develop.

You can find daily guidance in how the person you admire lives their day-to-day, what their world views are, their values, their opinions, their lifestyle. What makes this an easy habit to develop is that you can utilize your phone or email, and have it send you these inspirational updates daily. Another easy was to develop this habit it to keep a book on your bedside under your phone that you read as soon as you wake up. There are even apps that you can use on your smart phone to give you daily updates of inspiration. Apps that send you daily quotes from a multitude of people can also serve as inspiration for finding your spiritual adviser.

In the past I have looked for daily spiritual guidance from Rumi by reading a passage daily from a physical book. What I like to do currently is have this inspiration delivered to me first by a physical book. Every morning I read one daily ritual of various creatives from the book, “Daily Rituals, How Artists Work” by Mason Currey. I look to each of the daily rituals of these people for guidance in lifestyle, including guidance in what not to do. Then after I have read a passage from this physical book, I start my day.

Through out the day I receive digital image updates from people and communities online that I follow for spirituality, calm, and inspirational guidance. As these images pop up during my day they serve as little reminders to check in with my spiritual and lifestyle goals. This practice of finding daily guidance from someone I admire spiritually, has lessened my anxiety and given me a multitude of lens’ in which to view the world.

Weekly Spirituality Tip: Find Daily Guidance From Someone You Admire

Thing To Remember:

  1. Follow anyone that you find inspiring in work, business, or life.
  2. Take what they say with a grain of salt.
  3. Retain your identity.

Some other important things to remember are that you don’t have to look to someone for spiritual guidance, you can just look to someone for inspiration. Your spirit and soul will be moved by the inspiration. But be careful not to get sucked into copying their every move, look to them only for suggestions. If you don’t retain your sense of self while looking to someone else for guidance, you might get caught up with a case of Keeping Up With The Jones’.

Who do you admire that you follow for guidance?

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