Today it’s time for my July monthly plan with me for my daily planner and spiritual bullet journal. First, to start, I’m just writing in the month and using moon symbols instead of the dates on the days that have a new moon phase.
I felt like doing some more water coloring this month and wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do at first. But lately I’ve really been excited about daylilies that are going to be coming up in our area. I have some lilies in my garden but I don’t have daylilies, and back on the farm I had little orange tiger lily daylilies that grew right outside my bedroom window. Daylily tiger lilies are actually one of my favorite flowers. So the theme for this month is botanical with very simple watercolor tiger lilies. Once I finally figured out just how I wanted the Tiger Lillies to look with the watercolor brush that I happen to have, I was able to get this really light orange color to give an almost faded look.
Usually at the end of the month I have a monthly review, but I moved it from the back, to the front this month, because I found that as soon as I made the monthly overview page, I never went back to it. I was only seeing while I was filming creating the initial doodle and layout. Then I just never went back to it, so I decided to make everything full circle this month. At the end of the month I will be going full circle by going all the way back to the beginning for my monthly review. I think that this is going to be a really great addition to looking back at these journals in the future.
I have these faux dutch doors where I’ll be writing my goals and then asking myself “did I accomplish my goals?” And my focus for the month and then asking myself “did I keep the focus this month.” On the inside I’ll have a few more questions that I like to ask myself at the end of the month.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the little line drawing doodle that I did of myself a couple of months ago, so I wanted to include it this month in my gratitude log, which is also a my letters to the universe spread.
This month I decided to move my daily planner up to the beginning of my layouts. I’ve recreated the mini month overview, with the moon phases up in the left hand corner. I also have a tooooooon of faux dutch doors in my daily planner section. There is one for each week, with the appointments on the outside, and then on the inside I have a section for my to do’s and my notes. On the back of this faux dutch door is the weekend.
I usually do more on the weekend and I needed a little bit more room to make sure I had enough space for all of the lisst and things that I might need for the weekend. Like if we were going traveling, or if I decided to do some organizing, or something that just required a more dense list for the weekend.
This month the New Moon Beginnings spread is going to be huge but it’s actually pretty simple to do. These are the same two pages that I’ve been using the past couple of months that I use my tarot deck with.
The theme the 7th Moon is “follow your intentions.”
Not only do I do goal setting every month, I also do goal setting eight times a year that coincide with the change of the seasons. So at every equinox and solstice I check in with my goals for the year to see how I’m doing.
New Moon Beginnings: to have, to do, and to be.
For the New Moon Beginnings spread, I have three columns: to have, to do, and to be. On the next page is where I do my lunar goal setting, which is different than what I normally do. I was inspired by a lunar journal that I saw on Pinterest. It has four sections, and in the middle a moon and a sun doodle. The sections are titled, I am, I can, I’ve done, and I will. I’ll be thinking about these prompts when I do my 7th Moon Lunar Goal Setting video which is coming up next.
I am…
I can…
I’ve done…
I will...
My full lunar month circular spread has every single day of the lunar month and each of the moon phases decorated with the same simple tiger lilies. I also like to use dutch door spreads on this lunar layout each month. I have a space for my full moon check in, my intention for the month, my monthly mantra, and then on the outside of the dutch door flaps, a space to write down what I’m looking forward to this month and on the other side, and space for my 7th moon lunar review that I do at the end of the month.
This is where I’ll be doing the full moon review that I normally do mid-month and at the end of the month my monthly lunar review for the Balsamic Moon, which is the last crescent moon of the month. This month I also wanted to add back in a few pages that I excluded last month. On these pages I’ll be writing out:
my challenges
my goals
how I’m going to do it
There is also a little reminder to make sure that these correspond with the goals that I set back at the beginning of the year. I noticed I was creating new goals for each month that had almost nothing to do with my original goals from January. So I wanted to change that.
The very last spread of the month is my “unravel your month” pages all the way back at the beginning of this month’s design, bringing us full circle. My words this year are flux and flow. Underneath this section is where I write out my monthly journaling prompt that I share with you every month.
The questions I ask myself at the end of every month are:
what am I grateful for most?
how did I challenge myself?
what did I learn?
what is working and what isn’t?
And finally, the most important question of the month, out monthly spirituality writing prompt: