Seeking The Truth | Weekly Spirituality Tip


There are two sides to any coin and six sides to any dice, which means there are a number of truths and realities, weather you see the validity in them or not. This week I want you to focus on seeking the truth in all situations.

This week practice seeking the truth in all situations, your truth and the opposition’s truth. What is true for someone else, might not be true for you. Pay attention to all sides and seek the truth in all situations. Listen to what others have to say, do your research, talk with others, just make sure you aren’t short changing yourself by jumping to a conclusion and shutting off your mind to the possibility that there might be a different truth in the situation.

Seeking the truth in all situations is hard when it comes to relationships with others, especially with your partner. I have heard many times from my partner that what I have said is not “their truth.” And that is a hard thing to hear, especially while disagreeing.

You have to stop and try to see things from all sides and figure out what holds true for each person. Only then will you be able to seek the truth in all situations.

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