Weekly Spirituality Tip: Let Go Of A Grudge Out Loud


This week I want you to focus on letting go of a grudge out loud. You don’t have to talk to anyone, except yourself. Just make sure to say it out loud to yourself.

By developing the practice of letting go of a grudge out loud you bring compassion into your life. By developing the skill to let go and forgive out loud you get to hear the words of forgiveness, letting go and compassion.

You actually get to hear what that sounds like. And the most powerful thing about this is that YOU are the one setting the example for yourself. How amazing is that?! By replacing silence with verbal out loud forgiveness and letting go, you are establishing a new positive habit grounded in compassionate energy and emotions. 

This is an especially hard habit to build when we feel that we’ve been wronged by someone. But there is a way forward.

Start by forgiving the person you were holding a grudge against (even if its yourself) by verbally forgiving them or just forgive them out loud while you are alone. If you can’t physically go to the person, just saying that you forgive them out loud, to yourself, is enough to lift the grudge and bring peace and calm into your soul.

In my personal experience I have found that it was hard to start this practice for two reasons, 1) I felt silly saying it out loud and 2) I wasn’t always ready to let go of a grudge. The difficult part was convincing myself to say the words out loud especially when my heart wasn’t behind them. But I found that the premise of “fake it til you make it” really worked here. I wasn’t always ready to forgive someone and let go of a grudge. But by saying it out loud to myself served as the first step on the road to letting go, forgiveness, and being grudge free.

Things to Remember:

  1. Letting go of a grudge out loud may not be easy if you aren’t ready.
  2. You might have to fake it, but that’s OKAY.
  3. You gotta say it out load.

It may be really hard to let go of a grudge out loud, but you have a choice and have taken the first step by clicking on this Weekly Spirituality Tip.

By developing the practice of letting go of grudges out loud I have found that I hold far fewer grudges, if any. This practice, even though it makes me feel silly or stupid at times, also makes me feel at peace. Which is far more important. I can get through feeling dumb for a second or two, if what I’m doing is going to bring me peace.

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