Vivid F’d Up Dreams: An Antidepressant Side Effect

Personal Notes

I talk about mental health a lot, it’s really important to me. Recently I had a side effect of antidepressants hit me really hard: vivid really really f’d up dreams. This is a known side effect of some antidepressant medications and also happens to be one for the medication I take on a daily basis to maintain my ability to be a functioning productive member of society.

Everyone’s reaction to medications, especially antidepressants is different. This is one of the many side effects that I experience while changing medications that stuck around and worked it’s way into the regular rotation of my life.

Antidepressants can suppress your dreams to the point where you don’t have any dreams at all, or make it so when you do dream they are extremely vivid. The medication doesn’t stop you from REM cycle and dreaming, it keeps you from remembering the dreams because of the effect of the medication on your brain.

This side effect is very common when switching or starting new medication, and becomes less common as your body gets use to the type of medication your doctor has prescribed you.

When I had vivid fucked up dreams like in my #IRL Vlog below, there is no point in doing dream analysis or trying to understand if my subconscious is trying to tell me something or work through something. No point at all.

A Note On Dreams & Dream Analysis When Taking Antidepressants

I use to rely heavily on dream interpretation books when I was a teen to try and understand what was going on with my dreams. Now as an adult, I do not look to those books at all. As an adult who has gone through therapy I have a better understanding of the symbols and meanings behind what my subconscious is trying to tell me. I have a few types of dreams now…

Types of Dreams I have:

1. Pure Entertainment Dreams

“Pure entertainment” dreams that don’t mean anything that are just weird and fun.

2. My Subconscious Is Talking Dreams

“My subconscious talking” dreams where I am trying to work through my day or any troubles that are weighing on me, these can be positive or negative dreams. Usually these are just my subconscious trying to tell me to pay attention to something that I have been neglecting. I have learned a lot about the subconscious and the inner child in therapy, its fascinating.

3. Vivid Fucked Up Dreams

“Vivid fucked up dreams” where I am lashing out with extremely violent rage. These dreams are usually rageful for me, but not always, however, these dreams are always extremely vivid in color, emotion, and physical feeling after I wake up. They make my body physically hurt like I’ve been hit by a truck.

Have you experienced that feeling after waking up before?

I still don’t fully understand why vivid dreams are a side effect of antidepressants. But I have come to accept it as a part of my life. It doesn’t happen very often and when it does, I don’t feel panicked and alarmed anymore like I did in the beginning.

When I first started my therapy journey I was not on any medication. Once I started medication prescribed by my doctor, I started having extremely violent vivid dreams that were disturbing. These dreams shook me to my core and deeply confused me. I had to go to therapy to try and understand what was happening and then was referred to a different therapist that practices EMDR to try and help me.

At this point in my journey the vivid dreams were magnifying my anger and resentment from the past and it terrified me. So if you find yourself having vivid fucked up dreams, talk to someone, find a therapist that can help guide you through what you are experiencing, or at least talk to your doctor.

Now that I have worked through that rage, I can tell the difference between those types of dreams for myself. These days, the vivid fucked up dreams are just a side effect from my daily antidepressants. This happens maybe once a month or less now that I have leveled out after switching my medication and allowed my body to get use to it.

Dream analysis and trying to understand what your subconscious can be fun and telling, but when it comes to being on antidepressants, some vivid fucked up dreams are just vivid fucked up dreams and there is absolutely no point in trying to interpret them. Trust me.

Watch my vlog below to see what I do when this happens to me. There are a few things that help me feel better and help me to find steady footing again on off days like this one. Hint: Coffee Ritual, Mantra Reminders, Listening to My Yearly Manifesto, Tarot Cards, Journaling….

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor! Please speak to your doctor about any medication side effects you are experiencing. This is my story and what I have gone through. You may or may not have a similar experience to mine

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