The Summer Full Moon Names | June Full Moon

Indigo, Indigo-2

In the Northern Hemisphere the full moon of June and The Summer Solstice corresponds with signs of the early fertility of the land, such as flowers and ripening berries, during the end of the month. Farmers begin to see the first signs of a successful planting from the spring, plants begin to show signs of ripening foods to be harvested soon. Farmers are also preparing for the first harvest and keeping an eye on the growing babies of Spring as they bound through Summer.

The Strawberry Moon is the full moon that happens on the date closest to the holiday Litha, which is another name for The Summer Solstice. This is the moon that told our ancestors who lived off the land that it was time to look for the first crop of berries and flowers to harvest. The most common signs of The June Full Moon are the flowers blooming, strawberries ripening, and the heat of the day and nights of Summer. This moon also served as a mid-way signal to the settlers. The June Full Moon reminded them to take stock of what has already happened in the growing cycle and what was yet to be done before harvest season.

The Summer Full Moon Names:

Strawberry Moon
Hot Moon
Rose Moon
Flower Moon
Lotus Moon
Green Corn Moon
Windy Moon
Moon of Horses

Growing up on a Mid-Western farm, this was a hot sticky time of year. Our nights were reserved for playing outside in the coolness of the night catching lightening bugs and playing hide and go seek with out cousins. During the day we tended to the animals, making sure they had enough shade and enough water since the sun was especially brutal. I look back on those nights with endearment and remember seeing a sky full of stars, clearer than ever in the open fields of Illinois, crickets and cicadas singing, and running after flecks of light across our lawn with the cool grass between my toes.

See the Rest of the Full Moon Names of the Year here…

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