The Mid Spring Full Moon Names | April Full Moon

Indigo, Indigo-2

In the Northern Hemisphere the April full moon corresponds with signs of pink and early berries in the trees and bushes during the Spring. Farmers have planted their crops, and the babies of Spring have started to arrive in their herds. It is a busy time of year that keeps the farmers close to the land and their animals.

The full moon in April is commonly known as the Pink Moon because of the pink flowers that bloom Mid Spring. The April full moon is also known as the Paschal Moon because it is used to calculate the date for Easter. This is the moon that told our ancestors who lived off the land that the earth was about to give way to the first wild berries and roots of the Spring. This was also a time when they resumed hunting. The most common signs of The Mid Spring Full Moon are the early berries and roots for foraging, the ground showing the blades of green grass, and the trees and bushes beginning to flower with pink. This moon also served as a signal of Easter to the colonial settlers.

The Mid Spring Full Moon Names:

Pink Moon
Sprouting Grass Moon
Fish Moon
Hare Moon
Egg Moon
Paschal Moon

Growing up on a Mid-Western farm, this was a busy time of year. Signs of growth and renewal were all around us as the days grew longer and even warmer. Our parents were in the field planting the crops and us children were anxiously looking to play with the new baby goats, chicks, and calves. Every year we looked forward to Easter with the extended family and hunting for eggs with our siblings and cousins outside enjoying the warm weather after the confines of winter.

See the Rest of the Full Moon Names of the Year here…

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