The Late Summer Full Moon Names | July Full Moon


In the Northern Hemisphere the July full moon corresponds with signs of virility and maturity of animals and the clatter of the skies. At this time of year bucks begins to grow new antlers and thunderstorms become more frequent giving the July Full Moon the most common names of the Buck Moon and the Thunder Moon. At this time farmers will be harvesting wheat or keeping a close eye on other crops that were planted in the Spring for bugs and plant diseases. Even weather can affect the final crop yield in the Fall.

The Buck Moon and the Thunder Moon are two names for the full moon that happens in July. This is the moon that told our ancestors who lived off the land that is was time to harvest wheat and that the other crops were half way grown. The most common signs of The Buck Full Moon and the Thunder Moon Full Moon are seeing bucks with new antlers and hearing the clash of thunder during the more frequent storms. This moon also served as a mid-way of the growing cycle signal to the settlers. The Buck Moon and the Thunder Moon reminded them to reap the wheat and keep an eye out for any dangers to the crops that might affect their harvest in the Fall.

The Late Summer Full Moon Names:

Thunder Moon
Buck Moon – Algonquin
Deer Moon – Deborean Clan
Hay Moon
Crane Moon – Choctaw
Blessing Moon – Neo Pagan
Ripe Corn Moon – Cherokee
Hungry Ghost Moon – Chinese
Summer Moon – Colonial American
Mead Moon – English Medieval
Moon of Claiming – Celtic
Moon of Middle Summer – Sioux

Growing up on a Mid-Western farm, this was a humid busy time of year. My father & grandfather were always in the fields tending to the crops for our two farms. They were also cutting, mowing, raking, and round bailing hay for our family hay bailing business on other farmers land in the area. As a child my mom and brothers were always heading out to the fields to bring them lunch, extra water and sometimes extra net or twine for the hay bales. When they brought home the hay bales for our farm my cousins and I would play on stacked round bales. I spent many days on top of the hay bales reading and playing with the farm cats.

See the Rest of the Full Moon Names of the Year here…

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