The Late Fall Full Moon Names | November Full Moon

Indigo, Indigo-2

In the Northern Hemisphere the November full moon corresponds with the first frost and possibly first snow, trading and trapping. At this time of year farmers are out of the fields and have begun crunching the numbers to determine their profits and sometimes losses from the harvest that help them determine a budget for next year’s crops. Farmers are also keeping an eye on livestock make sure that they don’t fall into water and freeze to death. At times there are even off season babies that have been born that will need extra care and potentially bottle feeding or to be brought inside to stay warm enough to survive the cold months.

The Frost Moon is a common name for the full moon of November. This is the moon that told our ancestors who lived off the land to be prepared for the first frost and that it would be the last chance to trap for meat and furs before the lakes froze over. The most common signs of The Frost Full Moon are frost, early snow, and deer shedding their antlers. This moon also served as a signal to Native Americans that it was time to dig the roots of plants and sassafras for medicine.

The Late Fall Full Moon Names:

Frost Moon
Hunter’s Moon – Deborean Clan
Tree Moon – Neo Pagan
Snow Moon – English Medieval
Dark Moon – Celtic
Sassafras Moon – Choctaw
Trading Moon – Cherokee
White Moon – Chinese
Beaver Moon – Colonial American, Algonquin
Moon When Horns Are Broken Off – Sioux
Mourning Moon – Neo Pagan

Growing up on a Mid-Western farm, this was a drab time of year that was unusually quiet right before the holidays compared to the rest of the year’s hustle and bustle of living on a farm. We checked for new baby goats and calves everyday if we had a late season mother about ready to give birth. The babies of late fall were in a way more special, because we formed bonds with them because they needed more care to survive winter and usually became beloved pets and buddies that would fallow us around the farm once Winter passed.

See the Rest of the Full Moon Names of the Year here…

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