Owl Spirit Animal


Owl Totem Animal

This week’s Celtic Totem Animal from John Matthews is the Owl. The Gaelic word and pronunciation for this animal is ulchabhán (ul-ka-vawn). The Owl has been my guiding animal for the past year while I figured out my path and place Spiritually. I’ve been so connected and entwined with this animal that I began collecting little owls to fill my home and had no idea at first what was drawing me to them so strongly. 

The Owl has been Wayshower for me and has always been there guiding me through uncertainty and in darkness. I haven’t had much time to devote to practicing because I was being challenged to rethink my own Spirituality and search out other paths while learning about myself and accepting others. As the Helper Knowledge the owl has certainly shown me that knowledge is not everything and that there are some decisions in this world that you have to make with your heart. There are times when we need to come to a conclusion based on our emotions and feelings. That was a very hard lesson for me to learn and accept. Sometimes all the knowledge in the world can’t help you, in those times you have to listen to your inner self.

I have yet to meet this animal in my dreams or through meditation. So far the Owl has just been a floating symbol in my life, almost as if it is behind a veil right above my head keeping watch and protecting me with its powerful sight. I hope to meet this totem animal soon.

Owl – ulchabhán (ul-ka-vawn)
as Wayshower even at night I can guide you.
as Protector Nothing escapes my gaze.
as Challenger What brought you to this place?
as Helper Knowledge is not everything.

Has the Owl Totem ever presented itself to you?

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