Enlighten & Uplift Yourself | Journal Prompts for Deeper Connections


Are you struggling right now? I know it’s hard right now given the state of the world here in April of 2020, but you are going to get through this, and I want to help in any way that I can.

I’ve found that journaling really helps me in times of stress and uncertainty.

These reflecting prompts also help my mental health. You can find all of my journal and writing prompts right here!

This journaling practice definitely gives me pause for reflection, which I feel like I don’t have enough time for in my life. Taking pause is something that I have a hard time making and taking the time for. But with this practice its built into my routine at the end of the month with my journal and into my mornings as a part of my journaling morning routine.

Journal Prompt:

What makes you feel enlightened and uplifted? How can you bring more of it into your life?

My Experience

This journaling prompt was really interesting for me. I was shocked when I read it at first and was almost offended that my journal prompted me with it. I know how silly that sounds! But it’s how I felt that morning. I wasn’t sure if it was an appropriate journal prompt because of all of the pain, suffering and uncertainty that the global pandemic has given the world. But then I started to realize that my upbringing on the farm had prepared me for this moment. This journal prompt helped me zero in and focus on the things that make me feel enlightened and uplifted. These things also make me feel prepared and safe.

My Answer to This Spirituality Journaling Prompt…

What makes you feel enlightened and uplifted? How can you bring more of it into your life?

“The world has shutdown due to COVID-19. Right now in this state of the world, what makes me feel enlightened and uplifted is, gratitude for my station in life, resourcefulness & frugal up bringing. These things make me feel prepared. My plants, gardening knowledge and sewing knowledge make me feel enlightened. The good humans of the world and their stories make me feel uplifted and help me to see hope.”

Watch my video below to see how I’m bringing more feelings of being enlightened and uplifted into my daily life. I also go into detail on how I’m feeling about the state of the world right now, what I’m upto and what is helping me cope with isolation.

I’d really love to hear what your answer is (if you can share it) in the comments down below or email me. I really love to hear from you. I love getting emails from you. It’s amazing to be able to interact with you on a much more personal level in actual genuine back and forth conversations. It makes me smile and it just warms my heart whenever I get these messages from you all.

I am very very grateful and thankful to have you as a community and to know that I’m not alone when it comes to mental health struggles or just normal everyday struggles. Sometimes I’m just too hard on myself and I’ve got to remember that I’m human. It really helps to have a community to support me and also have a community that I can support back as well.

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