9th Full Moon Goal Setting Check In | Lunar Goal Setting Journal With Me

Goal Setting

Hey you I’m so glad you’re here today ????

I’m Jenny Proczko from Owls&Indigo. I make videos about journaling, spirituality, mental health, and goal setting.

Today it’s time for my 9th Full Moon Lunar Goal-Setting Check-In. I really enjoyed creating the my September Plan With Me featured in my spreads. If you want to see how I set these goals click here. So grab a cup of tea and your favorite pen, and lets check in on our monthly goals together!

The theme this month is gather gratitude & give thanks and that is because we are in the second harvest. On every full moon check in, I always ask myself two things: what have I succeeded in this lunar month? And what can I improve? 

gather gratitude & give thanks

There’s always things that we can improve on whether we’re actually on top of our goals and have gotten everything done. There’s definitely little things along the way that we could have done better. 

what have I succeeded in this lunar month?

what can I improve?

I succeeded in doing a lot while we were camping. I think it just means, that I need to have more Tech free time during the week to accomplish my goals. Because it was super easy you say on top of them while I was camping, when I didn’t have other distractions.

I’ll improve by doing two things:

  1. schedule goals time in my calendar and my planner.
  2. make trackers here in my lunar bullet journal and on my daily planner.

Next I get out my sticky notes, so I can flush out some goals. I write out which goals I’m going to be tracking for the rest of this month, that way they are just in one place. This way I can see them. I also writing down what actions are left to accomplish these goals. There are also four habits that I wanted to do daily:

daily habits

  1. read 15 min.
  2. no dairy.
  3. unplug at 8pm.
  4. yoga.

Next I create the trackers for the rest of the month and put the sticky note in my daily planner section. Now I write out the rest of the things that I want to accomplish in the next 15 days before the end of the moon on a separate sticky note.

by the end of the moon

  1. update garden journal.
  2. plan one day trip.
  3. record two meditations.
  4. have 3 more Fit Fridays.

My feeling bass intention for this full moon is: “I clarify my purpose, illuminate & fulfill my potential. I shift and TACKLE my goals for this moon.” Then I finish off my full moon goal setting check in by drawing in a leaf on my little tracker.

“I clarify my purpose, illuminate & fulfill my potential. I shift and TACKLE my goals for this moon.”

jenny Proczko, 9th Full Moon CHeck In Mantra & intention

How about you? Were you able to accomplish your goals so far this month, or did you fall short like I did? I am just so behind in my goals practice right now. But I know I can’t be alone in that. Let me know in the comments down below if you are having a hard time accomplishing your goals right now too.

ALSO!!!! What progress have you made on your goals this month? Are you on track for the Balsamic moon or did you have to retool your goals and intentions for the month?

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