Ocean Watercolor Moon Wheel Calendar Bullet Journal Layout


Are you struggling with your goals and looking for a way to achieve them?

Try monthly goal setting with a twist… instead of the calendar month, set your goals in alignment with the moon phases for something different and truly unique. This moon wheel calendar is inspired by the ocean which is fitting since it’s raining today. Check out how I created these watercolor pages here in my May Plan With Me.

Set Your Goals via The Moon Calendar

This is a moon wheel spread. Every single month in addition to a monthly plan with me that you’d find in any bullet journal, I always make sure to have a monthly moon calendar. Mine are always set up in the form of a wheel. See my past moon calendars here. I do goal-setting in alignment with the moon. Every new moon is when I set my goals and intentions for that lunar cycle. These goals always relate back to my overarching goals for the entire year.

I write S.M.A.R.T. Goals every month. Sometimes there are multiple goals in one month and every once in a while they are goals that I have already achieved that I want to keep working on to level up and refine further or to ingrain into habits. Even though my S.M.A.R.T. Goals are created a smidge out of order, they are always Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Here is how I write S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

1. Make sure that my goal relates back to my overarching goals that I set for the year. (Relevant)

2. Define the duration of the goal, which is always 28 days. (Time-Bound)

3. State How I’m Going To Accomplish My Goal. (Specific)

4. Break The Goal down into 3 actionable steps. (Attainable)

5. Schedule & Track My Goal’s Progress In My Daily Life (Measurable)

I track all of my goals on a 28 day cycle, because it allows me to align my goals with the moon phases. I set a new goal on every new moon, celebrate the goal on every full moon, and review my progress on the last crescent moon of the lunar month. 

Setting goals in alignment with the moon phases also gets me outside to observe nature and the moon itself. Looking up at the moon every night when I’m thinking about my goals is very inspiring and helps my mental health stay strong and keeps me motivated to accomplish my goals. But you can certainly set your goals by the calendar month, quarters, or year timespan. If you choose a year timespan, remember that you WILL have more than one S.M.A.R.T. Goal that makes up the yearly B.H.A.G. (big hairy audacious goal).

L I N K S M E N T I O N E D (in video below)

May Plan With Me https://youtu.be/FoxoQlk9CvA
DIY Moon Stamps https://youtu.be/Sm8Se7P9pms
2020 Bullet Journal Set Up https://youtu.be/xozKYwQ0_78
Fix Your Bullet Journal Mistakes https://youtu.be/LJtxm_qTpQE

How are you connecting to your spirituality?

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