June Journaling & Summer Solstice Incense


June is a time of the year for Love, Union & Dedication.

Be sure to nurture and show compassion for yourself as you reflect on what you tended to on May 1st when you were goal setting. This is also a time of energizing growth, fostering those things you have brought into your life, and refining and improvement on this year’s path.

June Journaling & Summer Solstice Incense

While reflecting in my journal on the past two months, I like to set the mood with a seasonal scent. Instead of just lighting a candle, I like to make it special and light my own blend of Summer Solstice Incense full of the aroma’s of summer. 

When reflecting in your journal, be sure to nurture your seeds of change and write down how you have fostered their growth. Now is also the time to refine and improve your plan for those seeds and the rest of the year.


  • Lemon Verbena
  • Rose
  • Lotus
  • Lavender
  • Orange / Citrus
  • Mint

Dried violet flowers would be a beautiful addition to this mixture since violets are a summer flower.

June Journaling & Summer Solstice Incense

Start with equal parts or just a pinch of each, until you have the desired aroma. Mix your ingredients together, I like to use a glass bowl or a mortar because it makes the act of mixing the herbs feel special. Light your coal and place it in your kadylo, thurible, incensor or any heat safe open container. Sprinkle your loose herb incense mix onto the coal and enjoy the June Summer Solstice aroma.

Alternatively, you can put this mixture in a sachet and shake it when ever you want to release the scent, or as a potpourri, if you’d prefer not to have the smoke of the incense.

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