The Shadow Self: December Spirituality Journal Prompt


There is still time for you to ponder the December Spirituality Journaling Prompt this month. This can even be a part of your end of the month journaling review. I like to ask myself the same questions each month plus a Spirituality Question that gets me thinking and gives me a chance to connect to my truest most inner self, my spirit. If you’d like to see what questions I ask myself each month check out my December Plan With Me, which includes all of those questions that I ask myself at the end of the month to see how I’m doing. See what I’ve learned and just to see where I’m at, this monthly life review also helps my mental health.

This journaling practice definitely gives me pause for reflection, which I feel like I don’t have enough time for in my life. Taking pause is something that I have a hard time making and taking the time. But with this practice its built into my routine at the end of the month with my journal.

December Spirituality Journaling Prompt

  1. Where do you tend to expect other people to conform to your beliefs?
  2. AND what scares you the most about allowing people to have their OWN beliefs in that area?

My Experience

This journaling prompt was really interesting for me. It made me face some fears that I have about others. Still not sure if I’m blowing it out of proportion or not, even as I write this after I have already journaled this month’s spirituality question myself… But this is a real fear that I have.

My Answer to This Shadow Work Spirituality Journaling Prompt…

1. Where do you tend to expect other people to conform to your beliefs?

To not hurt others and value life (human, animal, AND Earth).
To take care of the Earth.
To not impose your religious beliefs on others (even if you fear for their souls).
To be a good kind person to people, animals, & the Earth.

2. AND what scares you the most about allowing people to have their OWN beliefs in that area?

What scares me the most are those willing to kill others who have opposing views, beliefs, and lifestyles.

On a less serious level, that they will judge me and try to convert me to their lifestyle. Or that they will talk falsely about me in a dangerous way that could impact my safety.

I’d really love to hear what your answer is (if you can share it) in the comments down below or email me. I really love to hear from you. I love getting emails from you. It’s amazing to be able to interact with you on a much more personal level in actual genuine back and forth conversations. It makes me smile and it just warms my heart whenever I get these messages from you all.

I am very very grateful and thankful to have you as a community and to know that I’m not alone when it comes to mental health struggles or just normal everyday struggles. Sometimes I’m just too hard on myself and I’ve got to remember that I’m human. It really helps to have a community to support me and also have a community that I can support back as well.

What are you doing today to connect to your spirituality?

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