Top 7 Uses For Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the amazing herbs that everyone needs in their cabinet. It has physical healing properties, helps with weight loss, and enhances your spiritual powers to boot! When I was a child it was always a welcome smell coming from our farm kitchen. It usually meant peach cobbler or apple dumplings were baking in the oven!

In magic Cinnamon is used to draw money and prosperity. It is also used to promote healing, success, and raise spirituality. I have had great results with Cinnamon for protection and as an offering to the Gods. I use it most often with my favorite loose herb incense, Jupiter, in my kadylo. A kadylo is a “Ukranglish” word for incensor or thurible. Here are the Top 7 Reasons to Use Cinnamon:

  1. Weight Loss – Take in ½ tbsp of Cinnamon, twice a day. Mix with Greek Vanilla Yogurt or in 8 oz. of Honey Cinnamon Tea.
  2. Plant Growth – substitute for rooting hormone to kill fungus and bacteria in one shot.
  3. Colds – 1 tbsp warm honey with 1/4 tbsp cinnamon powder daily for three days. Cures the cold and clears the sinuses with a yummy taste!
  4. Immune System Booster – Honey & Cinnamon taken daily strengthen your immune system and protect your body from bacterial and viral attacks.
  5. Essence of the Young – Cinnamon is associated with youth, fertility, health, and prosperity in magical workings.
  6. Reduce inflammation, lower blood sugars, keeps your heart healthy, and lower bad cholesterol with Cinnamon
  7. Love & Sex – Use in love & sex magic by burning as an incense with equal parts sandalwood and myrrh.

* DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor. These remedies have worked for me and for people that I personally know. Consult a real physician before beginning any new care routine for your body. I am also not your Witch Doctor, please use any spell with caution and practice “Primum Non Nocere,” which is Latin for “first, do no harm.”

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.