Passive Ritual for Concentration

Recently we’ve been blessed with long awaited jobs and contracts. But with good news always comes bad, and unfortunately an older family member took a little tumble, but is doing much better and is back at home. The good and the bad have been preoccupying my mind non stop and have made is difficult for me to focus on work. And if I don’t work, I don’t eat. Such is the life of a freelancer.

When this happens, and I realize whats going on, I have a simple minimal passive ritual that I perform to help me get through the day. When times are tough but you can’t stop for a break, light a candle. This is the simplest action you can do to help your situation.

Light your candle and put it on your desk or if you are up moving around put it within the bounds of your peripheral vision. When you first light it, think about your troubles of whatever is occupying your mind. Push those thoughts into the flickering flame and set about doing your work for the day.


The flame of the candle serves as your voice or inner thoughts that were clouding your concentration. The ever flickering flame whips back and forth as would your bouncing thoughts. Let the flame do it for you while you concentrate on your work. The candle serves a similar function as the Sumerian Votive figures with ever open wide eyes trained on the heaves. Art Historians believed that the votive figures served as a continuous link to the gods when the person was not engaged in active prayer.

Today I have my candle trained on the heavens, calling out to the gods to help easy my mind so that I can concentrate on work.

Do you have any passive techniques to help you concentrate when your mind won’t let you?

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.