Milk & Honey Blessing for Spring, Ostara, & Easter Grimoire Page

Get an egg shaped candle or any candle, white is usually best, in the case of it being Ostara, green and purple candles are even better. Mix milk,honey, and sugar together in an earthen bowl as an offering to the Earth for the coming Spring. As you pour the elixir into the Earth say the following:

I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.

so may it be.

I always like to taste whatever food or drink I share with the Earth and the Gods to Show them that its not poisonous. It’s also a residual action from taking communion in the Methodist Church. Its just a way to share in celebration, thanks and communion with the Gods.

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.